Thursday, December 8, 2016

Rewrite Your Script

We all have aspirations and dreams for our children right? I know I do. We want them to accomplish so many things, perform well academically, be good at this or that sometimes even follow after our own footsteps. As parents, yes we want the best so we do the best to provide those things- but is that really for their best interest or yours? Having that authority usually sounds like here are your options vs. what are your options which then sows a seed of social scripting. Where other people's views and opinions unconsciously becomes your own and now your view of yourselves is all distorted.  

Our whole life we've been handed scripts to play out some of which are still being rehearsed after 20, 30 years. Age 5 mommy said, "you're the best singer" age 10 your teacher says, "you're not good enough", in middle school statistics show because you live on the other side of the tracks you'll never amount to anything. Throughout young adulthood society and social media have written the most scripts that suggests what your body should look like, how to get a boo thang and why you should follow what's trending. So because everybody else is doing it we fall right in line too. Has anyone given you a script to live out and half the time it wasn't even yours?

  This is me at 7 years old and I pretty much had a mental script written out for me that said be shy, don't talk unless you're being talked to, go to school and get good grade. It followed me into my early adulthood and I figured that was just who I was until I asked myself, 'but why'? When people came around I was set on autopilot to sit quietly until someone approached me (which was rare because I seemed so anti-social). Little did I know at this age the actions and words spoken in my environment would impact the character of my story in the future. 

This can be haunting or it can be rewarding depending on how close the script is to your own life's purpose. By the way, have you went IN-ward to discover what that looks like yet? Because it's life changing. If not, possibilities could be that you're not getting enough quiet time or you need to do more inner-work. Both actions requires YOU to get in-tuned with your true self, your very own unique script that compliments inner values, core beliefs and visions. Depending on where you are in your walk with self-development we may have to start from the bottom before we get here. Ya'll hear that Drake? Lol

So let's start "rescripting", get rid of what no longer serves you by recognizing those social scripts and write your book over. It didn't acquire over a week so neither is the final draft, this will take patience it may take a little longer with the rough draft because there's a lot to go over, clean out and edit. Some people been in darkness for so long they can't even see their way out with the lights on but got this. You are a creator, you were created by the Creator of heaven and earth to create your hearts desires AND live it out! Yet oh course there's a process, a journey, one must take to see the light. A path that is personal and deals with secrets and pains and sometimes the truth. It's hard going back to those places but that is what it takes to rise out of that state of BEing and thinking. Are you willing to go through it? 
I know you don't want to experience emotions of guilt or sadness again it's a lot easier to reject and run from that fear. But we have to... or should I say we should choose to because at the end of the day it will be the choices that we make today that will create our tomorrow.

Here's 3 tools to start that process:

1.Discover your inner-self
2.Invite God In
3.Stand on Ya' Block! 

Ok, first things first, you. All things are created twice, first in the mind and second in the physical. Before you can see yourself doing it or being it, the thought of it must be in place. Which directs us in- inside the brain into the mind where all the magic begins! Get to know this other side of you, any dislikes, pet peeves, passions, what are your talents, what makes you afraid?  Don't be shy go all in, the deeper the better. Only you and God know the real you so get comfortable being real authentic and being OK with it, even if it don't feel good. You got the authority to heal whatever it is.

Now as you're quietly in your own skin in your own space invite God in. Allow His voice to speak to your spirit and agree, stay connected for as long as it takes before you get up and stand on ya block- ya' love block that is. Day by day get in the routine of BE-ing love. Having patience, self-control and discipline even when you don't feel like it we've all been called to love through all circumstances. Be careful because here's were the work come in and people don't like to work. Everything you're going to need will prepare you for the test that's soon to come. Your consistency will challenge you by sending negative people and situations, it will test your faith and stretch your will power to win but remember greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world.

You got this! No more living the dream of someone else, no more not being clear about who you are and why you we're created. Take back YOU and trust the process it's not easy but it's rewarding, I believe in you. My time is up here but I'll be walking with you coaching you through this thing together. You will regain clarity and confirmation in this journey and note that you will loose friends and relationships on the way to where you're going, everyone is not meant to ride along. I hope you're up for the challenge.

Xx DeShane 😍

Just to share it with you first, I been working on this new Rewrite Your Script Project and will be doing a video soon (stay close to my FB page and YouTube channel DeShane Edwards) to tell you more about it and how to you can join our Secret Survivor's Club. The RYS project is to prepare you for the main role in your life, to teach you skills and life changing habits that qualifies you to win, how to face people and experiences that left scars on you and heal from them and to help you be accountable in reaching your goals. Since I'll be posting a video I'll save some juice for later!

This is an open-ended project which means I'll open the doors and share but when class is over you'll be left with the information in the end. It'll be up to you to eat the fish, apply it and throw away the bones. A few ways to detox and prepare spiritually for this physical journey is to schedule alone time, focus on your breathing through meditation and make a warm cup of herbal tea or lemon water. Tell your family and friends what you will be doing so they can allow you that time with no distractions, if they love you they'll understand the self-love you need to give to yourself. Turn the TV off and silence your phones this QT is what your soul has been waiting for. We about to go in y'all, ready?

P.S. Guess what?! I have a new book coming out called "The Inner Awakening" and I'm super excited about it, let you in on the scoop Monday Dec. 12th. In the mean time get ready, smile and aspireluv. 😍💕

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